Community Fellowship

God’s ordained plan for his church is explosive church growth that is a church without walls. (Zechariah 2:1-5, Jeremiah 30:19-20). In the cells of the physical body lies the healthy growth of the body, because it is the replication of the cells that actually grows the body. The cell system is God’s idea of growing and managing an explosive church growth. God inaugurated this system through Jethro as his strategy for managing the church in the wilderness.

But select capable men from all the people — men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain — and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”(Ex 18:21-23).

From the above scripture, rulers of 10, 50, 100 and 1000 simply connotes a cell structure validating the fact that the cell system was commanded by God. In the same vein, when the New Testament church was born, the cell system came alive immediately. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.
(Acts 2:46). This fact was established severally in the New Testament. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped


It shall be the smallest unit of the main church at various centers.
It shall be the share and care center of the church.
It shall provide a platform for our young people in the faith to ask questions and receive clarifications.
It shall be the center for spiritual care, nurture and practical attention for the needs of individuals as they arise.
It shall be the platform where the members enjoy the prayer of unity of the saints.
It shall be a place where members have the privilege of sharing testimonies which are results of encounter in the church services and answers to prayers.
It shall be an interactive program giving everyone adequate opportunity to participate.
It shall be the ark of safety and preservation for membership in the present say darkness ravaging the whole world.(Malachi 3:16)

No member shall be appointed as a RFM minister or head of service groups unless such person has been serving member for at least one year, and has obtained at least a BCC certificate with evidence of spiritual maturity. However, in infant churches coordinator may be appointed over service groups provided such persons are considered to be of a proven Christian character, spirituality and loyalty to the church. However service group involvement shall be open to all members including new converts but with evidence of salvation and baptism of the Holy Ghost.


The cell has the following four-fold benefits:
Spiritual growth of members
Church Growth
Leadership Growth
Spiritual Growth
The system is a platform for accelerated spiritual growth for both the member and the cell leader.
They study and reason the word of god together, each person making his or her own contributions for the benefit and the edification of others.
At the cell centers, we also learn from one another about how to pray. It is also a platform for addressing the spiritual challenges or needs of members.
One of the greatest advantages of the cell group is that it provides the pastor with a powerful and a dynamic system of pastoral care.
In the cell groups, every member is identified and given adequate attention which would not have been possible in the larger church.
Via the cell system, the spiritual, emotional and physical care are constantly being reviewed and enhanced for adequate attention and covering for the members-acts 6:1-7
Church Growth
The cell system is a major platform for church growth- acts 2; 47
Evangelism and outreaches at the cell level are personalized 9one on one) the grassroots is touched. Fellow- up is easier because of proximity and converts remain and abide as a result of the spiritual nutrients and care received.
As the cells are growing the main church is also growing.
Leadership Growth
The cell system provides us with the opportunity to easily identify leadership qualities in our members and also create the platform for their development.
At the cell centers, qualities and potentials are easily identified and this provides for their development and placement in position of responsibility.